Sunday, March 3, 2013

Great ending to a great week!

Mr. Lee made a deal with Thomas and I that if we were able to land the airplane 3 times in a row with zero help, we would be allowed to go tandem skydiving (if our parents gave the okay).  Thomas and I were able to do so.

Skydiving was easily one of my favorite experiences on the trip (other than getting close to everyone on the trip and getting to fly planes).  The experience of jumping out of a plane is strange.  I was scared, excited, nervous, and pumped up all at the same time.  Jumping out of the plane is counter-intuitive; however, I highly recommend the experience.  Even though I am not scared of heights or adventurous activities, I still pushed my own limits and discovered something new about myself.  Jumping with a friend (Thomas) made the entire experience that much better.  Hopefully I will get to go skydiving again and learn how to jump solo!!!

Here is the video of me jumping:

Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Video - Highlights of the Week

Check out a video journal of Aviation Science's Pro Vita Trip to Lakeland Florida. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 28, 2013


We have subway delivered to our flight planning room so we can grab a quick bite between flights.


With my flight instructor Rebecca

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mary Gao

Yesterday was the second day of the training. The weather was unfavorable in the morning. It was windy and wet, so we had ground school first. Mr. Lee taught us much information about how to read and understand the reports and forecasts. It was very instructive!

Fortunately, the sky turned clear in the afternoon:D

Let's go flying now!
Mary Gao

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

first flight lesson!

I went on my first everrrrrr flight lesson right after lunch the first day. It was a little windy, but really sunny out (love Florida weather). I did pre-flights, taxied a long way to runway 9, and took off (yayyy) with my instructor Rebecca. Flying was so fun, but also felt a little strange: I looked out the window and knew I was 2500ft off the ground, but somehow that reality hasn't quite sunk in yet. The first lesson was on basic ascending, descending and turning (probably the one thing i was good at...)--can't wait for my next flight already!